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Transcribed from the Adair County (KY) News, Thursday, June 29, 1944 edition, page two.

Bishop Darlington Honored

Grafenburg, Ky., June 6 --Hundreds of Methodist preachers and laymen from all parts of Kentucky and adjoining states gathered here today beside the little church where nearly fifty years ago Urban V. W. Darlington was licensed to preach. They had come on a pilgrimage organized by the laymen of the Kentucky conference, to pay tribute to the Grafenburg boy who had risen through every clerical office within the gift of his denomination, and now after 26 years in the office of bishop is about to retire at the coming Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference in Atlanta the last of June.

Honored by the presence of Governor Simeon S. Willis, Lieutenant Governor Kenneth Tuggle and other civic and religious notables, Bishop Darlington saw a bronze tablet unveiled marking the little sanctuary which had given a son to the career of distinguished church leadership.  Speaking for the Council of Bishops of the Methodist church, Bishop Titus Lowe of Indianapolis paid high respects to the retiring Kentucky bishop.

Bishop Darlington was born in Shelby county, August 3, 1870, the son of James Henderson and Kitty Pemberton Darlington. He attended Kentucky Wesleyan and later received its honorary doctorate of divinity.  Ordained in 1896, he served churches in Washington, Millersburg, Covington, Ky., and Parkersburg, and Huntington, V. Va. Later he was secretary of education for the Western Virginia Conference, presiding elder and then president of Morris Harvey college, Barboursville, W. Va.

The planning committee was headed by the Hon. Geo. Glenn Hatcher of Frankfort, former secretary of state. Judge Marcus C. Redwine of Winchester was master of ceremonies. Nearly a score of distinguished churchmen, both lay and ministerial, and leaders of state and civic life participated in the two-hour program.


Bishop Darlington was inducted into the Kentucky Wesleyan Alumni Hall of

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