Wyatts Chapel - Reunion 2005 - Laurel County

Submitted by:  Joeella Hibbitts


Wyatts Chapel Reunion, 2005

 Wyatts Chapel Reunion, 2005

1. Ed Parsley, 2,? 3. Fay Elkins,  Back row Mr. and Mrs. Sims, Alice Gilliam Teacher. 4?, 5?,  6. Odell Benge, 7. Charlie Ray Hensley,  8. Ruby Doan, Back row ?,?, ?,  9. Elizabeth Thompson Jewell, 10. Ada May Elkins Blair, 11. Pauline Cox Allen,   12. Bruce Hibbitts, 13.? Back row ?, 14. Clay Philpot Jr , 15. Me, Joeella Hampton Hibbitts,  16. Rev. Ernest Blair, Ada's Husband. 



If you can identify anyone in this photo, please note county, name of school, and year, and email me.

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