~Symsonia High School~

~Graves County~

Class Of 1948

Submitted by: Charles McClure

Kenneth Barnes

Oneta Imogene Ratcliffe

Luan Hopwood

Charles Reid

Boyd Whitt

Kathleen Miller

Ina Jocille Farmer

H.A. Beasley

Claud Thomas Reid

Dortha Mae Roach

Mamie Elizabeth Ivy

Andrew Jackson Kaler


~Symsonia High School~

~Class Of 1948~


48 class reunion.rs

 Symsonia Graduating Class of  1948


Click on the above photo for a larger resolution image.



Kentucky State Coordinator: Sherri Hall

Contact Annette Jones: or Charles McClure
to make submissions or for any questions you might have.

Created By Charles McClure

(C) 2008/aj/cdm
