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Resource Books
Mercer and Surrounding Counties

Click Here to have your published book(s) listed here. Be sure to mention the URL of this page, and to give me as much information as you can. Also note whether you already have a webpage or not. (If I can link to it, it will save me tons of time from designing a new page. <g>)

  Mercer Anderson Boyle Garrard Jessamine Washington Woodford Spencer
  • Faye Sea Sanders
  • Faye Sea Sanders
  • Harrodsburg Hist. Soc.
  • Faye Sea Sanders
  • Harrodsburg Hist. Soc.
  • Edna M. Burgin
  • Harrodsburg Hist. Soc.
  • Faye Sea Sanders
  • Edna M. Burgin
  • Wills          
  • Faye Sea Sanders
  • Faye Sea Sanders
  • Jim Miller (CD's)
    Vital Stats
  • Harrodsburg Hist. Soc.
  • Faye Sea Sanders
    Bible Records
  • Harrodsburg Hist. Soc.
  • Faye Sea Sanders
    Mortality Schedules
  • Faye Sea Sanders
  • Faye Sea Sanders
  • Faye Sea Sanders
    School Census          
  • Faye Sea Sanders
    Court Order Books          
  • Faye Sea Sanders
    Tax Records
  • Harrodsburg Hist. Soc.
    Ministers Records
  • Edna M. Burgin
  • Edna M. Burgin

    Published Ancestries
    (Please mention this URL when ordering)

    Book Title Author Price Main Surnames
    "Bury Me at Dixville" v.2 Jack D. Bailey
    527 Scenic Drive
    Harrodsburg, KY 40330
    (859) 734-7174
    Patterson, Devine/Divine, Carey, Claunch, Bugg, Leonard (plus all affiliated lines)
    "Mackville, KY - A Pictorial Review"
    440 pp. softbound
    Helen Gabhart
    6593 Texas Road
    Mackville, Kentucky 40040
    $35 see http://www.merceronline.com/Mackvillebook.htm
    "Pioneer Journey, A History of Ezekiel Williams, His Ancestors and Descendents" Sandra Hess
    712 W. 115th St.
    Kansas City, MO 64114
    $40 Williams, Denton, Crow (plus affiliated lines)
    Sallee Jack D. Bailey
    527 Scenic Drive
    Harrodsburg, KY 40330
    (859) 734-7174
    Sallee and all related lines