Knott County, Kentucky Group Sheets


Submitted by Susan Fahnstrom

The RING family name is from Ireland and England, in Ireland the Ring name was first found in Leitrim and fro Irish origin back to the year 1100, there is a family shield. The RING name in England was first found in Norfolk and it roots go back to the Norman Origin before the year 1100, the Normans were from North France, the province of Normandy, Normans come from the Viking word Norseman, which comes from the Viking raiders from Norway and Sweden that raided and plundered the English shores for many years.


KEITH History from SCOTLAND. The first record of the Keith family name was found in Haddingshire, which is seated in Scotland, the KEITH Family traces the Ancestral roots back to the Pictish Origin, the Picts were a clan from Scotland that were very fierce fighters. The Roman Emperor Hadrian, had the Romans build a way that goes the whole span across the width of England, from East to the West Coast of England and the wall bordered on the border of England and Scotland, right where the two countries met, it was to keep out the Pict and the Scots from going into England, the ruins are still there today and are a tourist attraction. There is a Keith Tartan, its blue and green and there is a Keith family shield.   

Susan Fahnstrom