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Newspaper Transcriptions

Below are some transcriptions from Newspapers in Kenton County. Please feel free to submit any portion of a Newspaper, just be sure to include the Newspaper name, date of article, page and column.

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    The Daily Commonwealth, Covington, Kentucky
    Wednesday, August 6, 1879
  • Death: Mrs. George Franks of Mt. Zion, was yesterday going from the store to her home when the storm came up. A bolt of lightning struck and killed her and the horse. The saddle was burned to a crisp.
  • Crime in Kentucky:
    1. Monday night a Negro, name unknown, was shot in the back of the head from the bushes about a half mile from Blue Licks and was instantly killed. He had just started home with a man by the name of Pat Raferty, with whom he was living. Suspicion seems to point to Raferty although no warrants have yet been issued.
    2. Last Monday a young man attempted to commit rape on Mrs. Elijah Claypool near Headquarters, Nicholas County, but was frightened off and has not been arrested, but officers are in pursuit.
  • Inquest: According to postponement, Coroner de Grayter last night held an inquest upon the death of Mrs. Howe and Annie Brown, the victims of the sad 10th Street accident on Friday last. The testimony of Messrs. liver Larkins, Joe Meyers, Fred Mack and E. D. Chapin was taken when the jurors adjourned owing to the absence of Mr. Howe, until such time as the coroner may see fit to call them together.
  • Police Court:
    1. Geo. Leonard, drunk, fined $1 and cost - judgment suspended.
    2. M. B. Hunter, breach of peace, fined $50 and costs.
    3. John Donovan, disorderly conduct, released on payment of cost.
  • The business property of the late John S. Nixon, 519 Greenup Street, has been purchased fro Mrs. Thomas A. Matthews, and possession of the same will be taken in early autumn.
  • The City:
    1. Numerous friends of Hon. Wm. Points last evening assembled at the residence, near Sherman, to congratulate him on his re-election to the Legislature. There was rejoicing and feasting to an extent hitherto unknown to the quite neighborhood. Eloquent speeches were made by Judge McManama, Colonel Johnson, W. W. Dickerson and others.
    2. Mr. Augustin Schueler died at his residence yesterday, corner Pike and Kapp? Streets where he has lived for 30 years. He was a highly respected citizen and died in his 52nd year. well thought of by all who knew him.
  • Newport:
    1. John Hoff of Alexandria has lit out for parts unknown, taking with him a young lady of good reputation and family. Hoff is a husband and the father of five children and Miss Effie Moore, his companion, is 20 years of age, just half the number of his. They had been neighbors for years and she a frequent visitor at his house. The elopement took place at midnight Sunday and no trace or clue of their whereabouts is known.
    2. Personals: Mr. Butler Hawkins of Louisville is visiting his father.... Howard Youtsey, son of Mr. John S. Youtsey of Cold Spring, broke his left arm from a fall from a tree Monday.... Miss Lidia Sommers and Miss Kate Perry left yesterday for an extended visit in the eastern and southern parts of the State.... Mr. Jno. Keller has returned to take up his residence in the city.... Mr. James Flannelly has returned from the lakes.
    3. A fatal accident occurred at Three-mile Bridge on the River Road Monday night. Mr. Samuel McKibben had been in the city during the day. At a late hour, in company of a few friends, he started for his home in Twelve-Mile in his wagon. When the party had reached the bridge named, Mr. McKibben had fallen asleep and the horses started suddenly forward, threw his from his seat, causing his to strike the pike violently with his head, fracturing is skull. He was lifted into the wagon with a view of removing him to the residence of Mr. Ellison, a mile further on, but by the time that point was reached he was dead. He was a man forty years of age and unmarried.
  • A Double Tragedy, Chicago, August 5: A most astonishing murder and suicide occurred at 87 Polk Street this afternoon, Solomon Sena, a partner in the firm of Schillo, Kessman and Sena, iron founders, shooting the foreman of the foundry, Conrad Engleman, through the head, and then after snapping the revolver at his own head, retiring into his private office and cutting his throat from ear to ear with a knife. Both men have families, were sober and industrious and not quarrelsome. Sena was wealthy and Engleman was poor. The quarrel was about a pillar that was being cast in the shop, and which Sena claimed was being spoiled by Engleman. The latter denied this and after resigning his position on the spot and being paid off, Sena reiterated his charge. Engleman gave him the lie, and the double tragedy was at once enacted.
  • State News: At Williamstown, the examining trial of Bennett for killing Pres. Webster, resulted in the acquittal of Bennett, the shooting having been done in self-defense.
  • Scott County, born, last night to the wife of R. W. Blackwell, a son.
  • Crimes and Casualties:
    1. New Orleans, August 5: Rosa Christian, a little girl bitten by a Newfoundland dog July 7, died today of hydrophobia.
    2. Columbus, Ohio, August 5: Enoch Davis, colored, was found dead by the roadside several miles south of this city, this evening.
    3. Bloomington, Illinois: Last night Mr. Aaron Goodfellow, a prominent citizen was killed near his own gate by two foot-pads, who, with drawn revolvers demanded his money. Mr. Goodfellow threw up his hand whereupon one of them fired, striking him in the jaw and shattering it. The other rifleman fired also, that shot passing through the lungs and causing death at 10 o'clock today. The dastards then ran away. Only a very slight description of them was obtained, but the detectives are working on that clue. The City Council has offered $1000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the murderers. The Governor telegraphs authority to offer $200 in behalf of the State, and the county offers $100.
  • Cincinnati: Coroner Carrick yesterday afternoon held an inquest on the remains of Ida C. Lewis, the variety actress who died suddenly at the Bevis House on Monday evening, and to whose death such a sensational coloring was given yesterday afternoon. The testimony taken by the Coroner yesterday showed that the story of the alleged abortion came entirely from stories which she had told to different people, but with what intent does not appear. It is surmised, however that she either made the statements with an intention of inducing Fisher, with whom she had been intimate, to marry her, or for the purpose of obtaining money from him. The testimony of Drs. Miller who attended her in her last illness, and the post mortum submitted by them, shows conclusively that she had never been with child, and consequently no abortion could have been performed. In view of the statement of the physicians in attendance, and after hearing all of the testimony in the case, the Coroner returned a verdict setting forth the fact that she came to her death from cerebral hyperdemia, caused by diseased condition of the ovaries.
  • Williamstown, August 5: Pres. Webster was shot and instantly killed at Williamstown yesterday afternoon by Alfred Bennett. Bennett was a Deputy Marshal, sworn in especially for the occasion yesterday. Webster was drunk and was flourishing a loaded pistol in the streets. Bennett endeavored to get him to put up his pistol. He refused to do so and threatened to shoot Bennett, and cocked and leveled his pistol on Bennett, when Bennett drew his pistol and shot him in the left breast, Webster fell, told his brother-in-law he was a dead man because he saw his garden gate, and immediately expired. He leaves a wife and two children in destitute circumstances. He belonged to a highly respected family and when sober was a quiet, industrious man. It will be remembered that Webster shot and killed Alexander Milner at Walton a few years ago; he was tried and acquitted. Bennett surrendered himself to the officers and was guarded at his house last night, and this morning had preliminary trial before Judge Childers, being represented by Judge W. T. Simmons and W. W. Dickerson. He was acquitted. Bennett was an industrious and sober mechanic, and was warmly congratulated by many of his friends when the court discharged him.
  • Harrison County-Leesburg:
    1. Mr. W. Bryant of Covington, and of legal fame, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Pat White, in our vicinity; also the wife of his brother, Hon. M. Bryant, of Nashville, Tennessee.
    2. We are sorry to hear that the health of Mrs. Ashby Anders continues so poor that she is unable to leave her room. Her numerous friends are hoping to hear of her speedy recovery.
  • Pendleton County:
    1. The funeral of Jno. Clark will be preached at Middle Fork, Grassy Creek, next Sunday at 10 o'clock by Rev. Henry Frakes and Tomlin.
    2. Died August 3, an infant of Jake Reswiler.

    Transcribed by Jeannie Gallant
