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Johnson County Kentucky

Court Records

 Have a court record you can share?  Please send them to Mary Ann or Mary K.

Johnson County Court House         

P.O. Box 868 Paintsville, KY 


(606) 789-2550


Learning more about the court system.

Kentucky Courts
Legal Definitions

County Court Day

What's at the Courthouse?
per Sandi Gorin
Circuit Court Orders 1842;

Vital Statistics 1852-1900;

County Court Orders 1844;
Deeds 1843;

Commissioners Deeds 1875;

Wills 1869;

Tax books 1844-46,1848-1875, 1879-1892;

Marriage Bonds 1843;

School Census 1896-1910.

County Clerk:

Surveys 1857-1878;

Unrecorded Deeds 1838;

Deeds 1843;


Marriage Records 1843;

Apprenticeship Bonds 1883-1886;

Wills 1854;
Inventories & Appraisements 1867;

Guardian and Administrator Settlements 1861;

Executor & Guardian Settlements 1866-1882;

Guardian Settlements 1845;

Executors and Administrator Settlements 1882;

Administration Bonds 1869;

Guardian Bonds1868;

Bastardy Cases 1878;

Order Books 1844;

Paupers Reports and CommitteeReports 1884;

Lunacy Inquests 1889;

War of 1812 reports of Adj General of soldiers 1812-1815.


Loose papers including depositions, surveyor's reports, petitions, settlement
exceptions, adoptions, commissioner's reports 1843;

Commissioner's deeds and deed books 1842;

Lands sold under execution 1868;

Minutes 1893;

Equity Docket 1852;
Lunacy Inquests 1886;

Court Records
Court records entail probate records, guardianship, naturalization, and a wide variety of other sources. All contain information about individuals within the area. It should be remembered that there are different levels of jurisdiction for courts in the United States, all of which should be considered for research under various circumstances. Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Court, Probate Court, District Court, Superior Court, Supreme Court, and other titles are among those encountered. To study more about court records in general, see: "Research in Court Records" by Arlene H. Eakle, found in Loretto Dennis Szucs and Sandra Hargreaves Luebking, eds., The Source: A Guidebook to American Genealogy, rev. ed.


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