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Old Regular Baptist Minutes



Below are a list of names that are mentioned in the books. Suzi will update this album as time permits so please check back often.

These are from the 78th annual session:

Elder Andy Wright, Ruth Louise Runyon, Mordeca Maynard, Elder Carlos Meadows, Margie williamson stanley, Anice Elkins, Willie Smith, Rebecca Mills, Pete Dials, Lewis Hall, Henry Thomas Varney, Annis Harris Bevins, Paul S. Alley, Clell Caines, Hester Varney, Mrs. Victoria Smith, Caudill Williamson, Ermal Dotson Williams, Alice Louise Mullins, William H. Maynard, Yantus(hensley) Scott, Ernest Hensley, Thomas Smith, Clarence H. Grubb, Lola Bevins Pauley, John P. Gibson, Everett Hannah, James Ballard (Rabbit) Blackburn, Fannie Cline, Thomas J. Smith, Jane Collins Pauley, Nancy Geneva Pauley Lowe, George Runyon, Nicolas Runyon, Lilburn Robinette, John Maynard, Virgie Muncy....

These are from the 83rd session:

Thomas J. Smith, Johnnie Cline, Wilda Dials, Tom Robinson, Lawrence Farley, George W.Smith, Aaron H. Pinson, Brookie Hay, Victoria Maynard, Julius Burgett, Jr, Agnes Varney Blackburn, Bamie Stepp, Nancy A. Norman, Mary O. Curry, Elzie Robinette Sesco, Robert Austin Hopkins, E. Harold Varney, Peggy Staten, Tilda Farley, Dixie Cline Alley, Nancy J. Stanley, Lillie Varney, Landon McCoy, Sampson J. Moore, Jr., Kenneth Gravely, Emery Cline, Rhoda Jane Canterbury, Velvie Rose, Belva Vansicle, Merl Vincent, Clinton B. Lowe, Sarah Ann Stanley Maynard, Homer Stanley, Forrest J. Bevins.

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