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Carl T. Daniel

January 6, 1944

Letter From Charles Daniel

     This a letter written by Charles Daniel of the Navy to his mother, Mrs. Frank Daniel, Van Lear. He has since come home for a visit.


     Dear Mother;

     I received your letter and sure was glad to hear from you. Yes. Mother your letter found me out of the hospital and getting along fine. I stayed there 14 days and sure was glad to get out.

     Those strikes sure caused a lot of us to wonder if the people realize there’s a war going on. I don’t think many of them do, but I sure would swap with any of them. Well I guess Helen hasn’t surprised me nay. A kid doesn’t realize how much a home means until they are far away from home and can’t get back.

     I hope Joy gets back safely, but he sure isn’t as lucky as me. Yes, Mother it has been a long time since I left home but when this thing is over and I get released from the Navy, you won’t have to worry about me leaving again.

     Well Mother I must be closing now so please answer real soon as I’ll be waiting for your answer.

     I guess I’ll have to buy Bessie and Art a trailer for a present as they are always moving. Ha.


                                                                            Your son



[The strike he is referring to is the big UMWA strike that John L. Lewis caused. Many soldiers wrote the Herald and offered to trade places with the striking miners!!]



February 10, 1944

Daniels Wounded On Shore Patrol Duty

     The Herald has been notified that Carl T. Daniel, shore patrolman specialist 3-c, of the U. S. Navy, was admitted to the Marine Hospital of Louisville on December 20 suffering from injuries received while on duty in the Louisville district where he is stationed.

     It is reported that Daniel was investigating two colored sailors when colored civilians entered into the argument, one of them striking Daniel with a liquor bottle bruising his left ear and bursting the ear drum. He also sustained a fractured arm.

     The man who wounded Daniel awaits trial in the Louisville Police Court charged with striking the patrolman and interfering in his line of duty.

     Daniel while in boot camp at the Great Lakes training station was elected honor man of his company and was presented with an honor certificate by navy officials.

The Paintsville Herald.