Revolutionary War Pension Application
of Elijah Williams

State of Kentucky
County of Garrard

Elijah Williams, a citizen of Garrard County, Aged 71 years. On the 20th day of September 1832 personally appeared before John L. Bridges, Judge of the Garrard Circuit Court, now in session, being a court of record, and being duly sworn, made oath to the following declaration to obtain the benefit of an act of Congress passed 7th of June 1832.

That he entered the service of the United States in the month of July 1777 as a volunteer for a term of six months, under the command of Capt. Blackwell. That he lived at that time in the County of Fauquier, State of Virginia. That he set out with his company (being then 16 years old)) from Fauquier Courthouse and marched towards the camp of the main army and arrived at Germantown on the day after the battle. That he marched from Germantown to Valley Forge and thence to the White Marsh. That his General officers were Col. Edmonds, Major Pickett. That at Germantown, Valley Forge, White Marsh he saw Genl. Washington, and he supposes he saw other distinguished personages, but he does not now recollect with certainty, whether he did or not. That on this tour he served his six months and was dismissed. His character of service was that of a militia man.

That he afterwards served a short term of duty in guarding a magazine at Fauquier Courthouse, but the date, length of time he served or who were his officers he is not able to recollect or state, nor does he mention it with a hope of being allowed pay for it, but

He hereby relinquishes all claims to any pension except the present, and that he is not, nor has he ever been, on the pension roll of the agency of any state.

Elijah Williams

I, James Fletcher, a citizen of Garrard County, do certify that I have known Elijah Williams, whose name is signed to the foregoing declaration, from his boyhood. That I, furthermore, know the fact that he served in the War of the Revolution as is stated by him in his declaration, and that he is about the age stated by him.

James Fletcher

Sworn to this 20th Sept. 1832

Benjamin Letcher

We, James Beasley and John Bryant, citizens of Garrard County, certify that we have known Elijah Williams many years. That we believe he is about the age stated by him, and of highly reputable character, and that James Fletcher, whose name is signed to the foregoing certificate, is a reputable person and we believe his certificate entitled to full credit. Given under our hands this 20th Sept. 1832.

James Beasley
John Bryant

Sworn to in open court this 20th Sept. 1832

And the said court do declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War Department, that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he states, and the court further certifies that it appears to them that James Beasley and John Bryant, who have signed the foregoing certificate, are residents of Garrard County, and are credible persons, and that their statements are entitled to credit.