Hunt Bible Records

Submitted by Claudia Ann Ridout

Transcribed 13 July 2003

Page layouts and spellings are intact, along with the dates.  The original is very old, but still very legible.  It consists of four pages.

Page 1


A.D.D. Hunt was born June 13, 1814

Malinda Hunt was born June 18, 1821

Malissa Hunt was born Oct. 21, 1839

Tariey Ann Ermaine Hunt was born Dec. 11, 1841

John W. O. Hunt was born November 9, 1844

Joseph A. Hunt was born May 4, 1848

Maria M. Hunt was born Aug 10, 1850

Sarah M. Hunt was born May 29, 1854

Seth A. Hunt was born Oct. 29, 1859


Louvisa Buckley was born Feb. 16, 1791

Gerard H. Condon and Sarah M. Hunt were married Dec. 29, 1870

Ida Florence Condon was born July 4, 1873

Lilly Larence Condon was born June 22, 1877



Page 2


Otero Crandle Hunt was born Oct. 27, 1882

John Gordon Hunt was born Aug. 19, 1884

Ethel Linda Hunt was born Aug. 14, 1886

Oskar G. Hunt was born Dec. 25, 1889

Clarence R. Hunt was born Aug 18, 1892

Henry T. Hunt was born July 9, 1895

Bessie Olive Hunt was born June 18, 1901


David E. Hunt was born Apr. 6, 1886

Larance R. Hunt was born Apr. 17, 1889

Jessie Steele Hunt was born July 20, 1906

Clarence Hunt Carrie Newman was married Oct. 18, 1916

Claude Alonzo Hunt was born May 5, 1917

Claude Alonzo Hunt died July 25, 1919

Carrie Hunt died Apr. 12, 1918

(lines placed as they are on page)

Page 3


A.D.D. Hunt and Malinda Dailey were married June 7, 1838

E. P. Lewis and Teoisa Ann Ermaine was married Dec. 30, 1859

James H. Dayley and M.H. Hunt was married Mar. 30, 1870

Joseph A. Hunt and Martha J. Tinley were married June 6, 1870

S.A. Hunt and E.E. Condon was married Jan. 6, 1881

(For space reasons, the other column on this page is actually the fourth page.  These were the only marriages recorded.)

Page 4


Joseph A. Hunt died May 30, 1894

A.D.D. Hunt died Mar 17, 1898

Malinda Hunt died Apr. 2, 1900

S.A. Hunt died Nov. 2, 1927

Elizabeth Ellen Hunt died July 17, 1931

Burial in the Hillsboro Cemetery