In possession of Mrs. Susan A. Peck, of Flemingsburg.

Copied by William M. Talley


Lytle, C. P. and Virginia Clark were married Feb. 23, 1871.

Lytle, John G. and Sarah A. Leforge were married Dec. 8, 1875.

Lytle, John G. and Susan A. Hendrix were married Oct. 5, 1886.

Lytle, C. P. born May the 10, 1847.

Lytle, Charley G. born Feb. 8, 1872.

Lytle, Rody P. born Sept. 26, 1875.

Lytle, V. O. D., born Feb. the 23, 1851.

Lytle, N. G., born Jan. 23, 1819.

Lytle, Eliza, born Sept., 1824.

Lytle, John G., born Feb. 2, 1846.

Lytle, Susan A., born Sept. 19, 1867.

Lytle, Hendrix G., born Dec. 6, 1888.

Lytle, Charles G., died Apr. 28, 1939.

Lytle, Nathaniel Lewis, born Jan. the 23, 1877.

Lytle, Robert L., dec’d. Jan. 21, 1819.