The ninetieth annual McKinney Reunion will be held Saturday, July 25, at Jackson’s Chapel United Methodist Church at Spout Springs, Ky (Highway 82 between Hargett and Clay City), connecting our history with that of our ancestors down through the years. All descendants and friends of descendants of Wildy McKinney are welcome. To date, listed in our genealogy are 2, 676 descendants of Wildy’s sons and daughters: David Russell, Lucy, William Matthew, Elizabeth, Mariam, Martha, Polly Jane, James Franklin (the Elder)➝Richard, Thomas Shelton, and Joel William. The theme of our reunion is “Love.” Bring photos of you and your love/s and your ancestors and their love/s, wedding pictures, wedding invitations, wedding newspaper articles, and stories to tell. The church will be open at 10:30 for visiting, searching the genealogy (editing and adding to it), sharing your photos of the family and important places in the family history both antique and contemporary, catching up with each other, and sharing stories. The Annual Family Group Picture will be taken at 12:00 sharp, followed immediately by Pot Luck Dinner at 12:15, Hymn Sing 1:30, and Business Meeting. Come as early as you can. Stay as long as you like.