Glenn E. Martin Genealogy Research Center
Princeton, Kentucky

Mr. Glenn Martin donated the funds to the George Coon Library Board to cover all the costs for the renovation
of the old A & P grocery store on Main Street in Princeton turning it into a beautiful genealogy research center.
This building was a part of the Katherine Garrett estate that was left to the library board several years ago
The research library had up until this time been in the basement of the George Coon Library.
This will make research material more accessible to everyone as it is now all on street level.
Be sure to keep the Glenn E. Martin Genealogy Research Center on your list of things to see while in Princeton

As you walk in the door of the research center, you will see this seating area and a beautiful portrait of Mr. Glenn Martin

The portrait was done by Mr. Bill Granstaff of Princeton, Ky.

A full view of the research library as seen when you walk in the door.
Ken Gilkey is busy loading programs on one of the two computers that will be used for research.

To your right as you walk through the door is one of several research tables and on the counter sits the sign-in book

One of several beautiful antique cabinets on display
at the research center.

A collection of books with information on other states.

Only part of the Kentucky research books.

These shelves hold among other things the obits collection
started and maintained by Glenn Martin & Ruth Nichols of
the Caldwell Co. Historical Society.

Index Cards for the Obits files are kept in this
antique file cabinet that has been refinished by
PennyRoyal Industries, Inc. in Princeton

This cabinet holds the collection of files and research
notes of the late Sam Steger.

This beautiful file cabinet dates from the early
1800's and was donated to the research center
by the Circuit Court Clerks office and was
refinished by PennyRoyal Industries, Inc.

Another antique cabinet holds a collection of Indian
artifacts with a picture of the Elkhorn Tavern on display above it. This is located in the Native American Research Room.

A private conference room.

Another beautifully decorated area of the research center.

This area holds a kitchen/break area for anyone
working long hours on various projects.

The seating area of the break room.

Part of the Circuit Court Records that were turned over to the Glenn Martin Research Center to be housed in a climate controlled room.

These records will not be for public viewing, they
date from the early 1800's and their condition would not
take alot of use but there is an index to these files and the
library personel will get the file for you at your request.

Page & Photos by Peggy Gilkey