Contributions from two hundred and fifty of Virginia's noted housewives, distinguished for their skill in the culinary art and other branches of domestic economy.

Edited by Marion Cabell Tyree.

"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies...She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness."-Prov.xxxi,10,27.

Louisville, Ky.:
John P. Morton and Company.

Many Distinguished American Women
Have Paid Beautiful Tributes to this Book; among the women are:
Mrs. President R. B. Hayes...............Washington City.
Mrs. Chief Justice M. R. Waite...........Washington City.
Mrs. Secretary of State W. M. Evarts...........Washington City.
Mrs. U.S. Senator George H. Pendleton.......................Ohio.
Mrs. U.S. Senator M. C. Butler..................South Carolina.
Mrs. Governor George B. McClellan...........New Jersey.
Mrs. U.S. Senator John B. Gordon.............Georgia.
Mrs. Governor F. T. Nicholls...............Louisiana.
Mrs. U.S. Senator A. G. Thurman..........Ohio.

Covington, Ky., Feb. 28, 1879
From the wife of Ex-Gov. and Ex-U.S. Senator John W. Stevenson of Kentucky:

The sound common sense of Virginia women has ever been noted, and they have won for themselves an unequaled reputation for their domestic accomplishments. This work is a valuble addition to the domestic literature of our country. I have tried some of the recipes, and cordially indorse the book. It is also handsomely bound and printed.
Mrs. J. W. Stevenson

This book must inevitably sell well, not only in Virginia, but wherever are found any of the strayed-off children of the dear old mother of presidents.-Louisville Courier-Journal.

This book is edited by the granddaughter of Patrick Henry,and herself one of the famous housekeepers of Virginia. We notice many historical names in the list of contributors.-Western (Ky.) Citizen

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