News: The Green River Republican

This new feature to the website brings you the back issues of the Green River Republican. I'm waiting to hear from the newspaper (Green River Republican/Butler County Banner) to see if we can acquire permissions to post issues published after 1923.

This website now holds all the available copy before 1923. If you want to see an issue from before 1923 and do not see it here, it is not available in microfilm. It is possible you might find it in someone's attic, etc-- and if you do we'd love to see it-- but we don't have access to any further issues (until after 1923).

The issues are available in PDF form. I have considered also making them available as JPG images but didn't know what people would prefer. Currently, we're in the process of indexing them, and after they've been indexed we are going to do a full transcription of every page, so that you can find people and phrases by searching-- which can't be done in an image. Since these PDFs were made with scans and not from text, the PDFs do not allow you to search within them, because to the computer they are nothing but images.

We could use your help with indexing and transcribing-- to volunteer email me at Many thanks to Beverly Hodges for tirelessly helping with the indexing that you see today on the website. Any corrections should be sent to me at

So, enter through your link of choice:

List of issues by date

Index by surname [Coming soon]

Index by date [partially complete]

Transcription by date [coming soon]

Transcription by surname [coming soon]

| ©2006-2007 Alice Warner



Butler County, Kentucky

