The Orphan Brigrade

A partial listing of Barren County, KY soldiers who served in the Orphan Brigade (CSA) during the Civil War:
Submitted by Sandi Gorin

For a detailed explanation of the Orphan Brigade, see either of the following two sources: "Civil War Orphan Brigade Recalled" by Michael Jennings, Louisville Couier Journal, Feb. 20, 1998, B1. and The First Kentucky Brigade, CSA The 'Orphan Brigade' by Geoff Walden and Laura Cook


History of the First Kentucky Orphan Brigade

Meet the Barren County KY Soldiers That Served In This Unit


Dr. Thomas L. NEWBERRY Succeeded Dr. Vewtrees as assistant surgeon of 6th Regiment. Born near Slick Rock in Metcalfe Co 11 July 1833. Grew up on father's farm, educated himself, took college courses for practice of medicine and surgery. Moved to Hiseville, strong Confederate man. Enlisted as private in Co F, 6th Regt, took over treating the sick, especially at the houses of John Gorin on Jennings Creek in Bowling Green. During battle of Shiloh, exposed to fire of the enemy. At Stone River, on field 4 days. Went into hospital there. At close of war completed his courses at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia 1865-6; returned to Hiseville. Recognized as one of the most skillful surgeons in the state. Was a strict disciplinarian.
Col Joseph P NUCKOLS (partial write-up) He was "tall and commanding - six feet 2 inches tall, dark hair, dark eyes, stern expression. Was almost ruined by the war - returned to Barren Co and was later elected Clerk of the County Court. Also served in the legislature in 1894. Became seriously ill winter of 1895-6, died at his home in Glasgow 30 Mar 1896. His military career: went to Camp Boone and met with Co. Trabue. 4th Regiment of KY Volunteers was organized, and Nuckols was offered a majorship, but declined. Fought brilliantly at Shiloh. Captain, Colonel of the 4th Ky Infantry.
Major John B ROGERS Eldest son of William B. & Nancy (Bagby) Rogers, born Barren Co 11 January 1835, remotely connected with George Rogers Clark as his mother was descended from the Bagbys of Virginia (d/o John). First Lieutenant, Captain, Major.


Theodore ALCOCK Glasgow, appt Corporal 1 Setp 1862; fought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment, Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro both days, mounted engagements. During autumn of 1864 was involved in a railroad accident, lost some teeth. Died in Nashville, TN about 30 years after the war.
Sam ANDERSON Barren Co. Fought Hutcherson's, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment, Utoy Creeks, both days at Jonesboro. When command was mounted he was detailed for duty in the saddle shop and served there during the remainder of the war. Died at home some years after the war.
Wm. H. ANDERSON Barren Co. Fought with Co. H, Third Arkansas Infantry during the first two years of the war; was transferred to 6th KY Regiment 13 Jan 1863; fought with it at Jackson and Chickamauga; was placed on the corps of sharpshooters at Dalton and fought at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca and Dallas; was engaged almost daily from Dallas to Atlanta; fought at Peachtree, Intrenchment and Utoy Creks; both days at Jonesboro and in the mounted engagements. Died near Glasgow in the spring of 1889.
Dan ATKINSON Barren Co; appointed 1st Cpl 19 Nov 1861, fought Shiloh.
L.C. BAINE 14 yrs old, fought Vicksburg, sick when regi ment left Tangipahoa for Baton Route but started on his way to rejoin the company. Fell in with some Louisiana troops, served with them until Nov, came back to the 6th KY; disabled by disease but fought at Rocky Face, Resaca, Dallas, from Dallas to Atlanta and Peachtree & Intrenchment Creeks.
D.P. BARCLAY Rocky Hill, Barren; elected Captain 19 Nov 1861; died of disase at Bowling Green 8 Jan 1862.
J.B. BENEDICT Rocky Hill, fought Shiloh and Vicksburg.
Ed BISHOP fought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River; mortally wounded latter 2 Jan 1863; died there 28 Jan 1863.
Sam BORDERS Roseville, Barren; fought with the Seventeenth TN Infantry during the 1st eighteen months of the war; transferred to the Sixth KY Nov 1863; fought Rocky Face Gap, Resaca and Dallas; killed by a cannon shot at the latter 28 May 1864.
Lot BRADSHAW Roseville, Barren; fought Stone River, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas and Jonesboro on 31 Aug 1864 where he was severely wounded and died of wounds and disease at Macon, GA the following November.
James J. BRADSHAW Appt Col 3 Nov 1862; fought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca & Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro & in mounted engagements. Was but only 16 yrs old when enlisted, served like a man to the last.
Johnson J. BROOKS Fought Jackson & Chickamauga; was "generally too fat for service"; employed as a teamster.
J.H. BROWN Fought Shiloh & Baton Rouge.
John BURGESS Roseville, fought Shiloh; discharged on account of disability by disease 20 Sept 1862.
Willis P. BUSH Fought Shiloh & Stone River.
Joseph W. BUTLER Rocky Hill, fought Shiloh.
John BUTTON Rocky Hill, enlisted at age 14, refused to be discharged, served with all the courage and fortitude of a man. Fought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River; killed at the latter 2 Jan 1863.
James L. CARVER Rocky Hill, fought Shiloh, left sick at the hospital near Amite River, LA Aug 1862.
John CARVER Pageville, died of disease at Bowling Green Jan 1862.
Josiah CHAMBERS Roseville, discharged on account of dissability by disease July 1862.
S.G. CHAMBERS Roseville; fought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca and Dallas; Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment, Utoy Creekss, both days at Jonesboro, mounted engagements.
J.H. COOPER Fought Baton, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face, Resaca, Dallas; wounded at latter, permanently disabled 28 May 1864.
J.O. COOPER Killed at Shiloh 7 Apr 1862.
W.H. COX Died of disease 7 Sept 1862.
W. Frank DICKEY 2nd Lt Oct 1863; fought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone, Jackson, Rocky, Resaca, Dallas, there to Atlanta, Peach, Intrenchment, Utoy, Jonesboro & mounted.
Thomas L. DODD Glasgow, 2nd Lt 19 Nov 1861; resigned 10 May 1862; un- fitted by ill health for duty in the line (prevented him from taking part at Shiloh); later served as Lt of artiller, captain of cavalry, etc. Later disabled by wound after which he commanded at Covington and Atlanta.
D.W. ELLIS 5th Sgt 8 Jan 1862, fought Shiloh.
George F. GIBSON Barren, fought Shiloh, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dalla, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment, Utoy Creeks; mortally wounded in a skirmish 15 Aug 1864, died shortly thereafter. He had also been wounded at Shiloh on 7 Apr 1862 and captured.
W.H. HAMILTON Transferred to Grave's Battery 27 Nov 1861.
Thomas H. HATCHER Cpl 3 Nov 1862; fought Shiloh where wounded 7 Apr 1862; Stone, Jack, Chickamauga, Rocky, Resaca, Dallas and there to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrench, Utoy, Jones, and in mounted.
Wm. A. HATCHER 5th Sgt 3 Nov 1862; Shiloh, dangerously wounded there 7 Apr 1862; Stone River & Jackson. Died of disease at La Grange, GA 17 Apr 1864.
Tom C. HELM Glasgow, enlisted at age 16, refused to accept discharge, re-enlisted until the end of the service. Fought Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone, Jackson, Chick, Rocky, Res, Dalals, D to Atl, Peach, Intrench (wounded here 22 July 1864), recovered and fought in mounted engagements.
L.V. HENDRICKSON Barren, severely wounded & captured at Shiloh 7 Apr 1862; exchanged and fought Chick, Rocky, Res, Dallas, D to Atl, Peach, Utoy; wounded at Jonesboro 31 Aug 1864 but recovered & took parted in mounted engagements.
J. HIGDON Barren, discharged by disability of disease Nov 1862.
J.A. HIGDON Transferred to Co D, 10 Nov 1861.HINDMAN, Robert J: Fought Baton Rouge, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky, Resaca, Dallas, permanently disabled at latter by the loss of a leg 28 May 1864.
James B. HOLMAN Rocky Hill, Barren; appointed 1st Sgt. 19 Nov 1861; elected 2nd Lt. 10 Jan 1862; re-elected to same at the reorganization of the regiment 10 May 18682; promoted to 1st Lt. 19 Feb 1864; sought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment, Utoy Creek, both days at Jonesboro, in mounted engagements. Wounded at Stone River on the evening of 29 Dec 1862.
Joshua HUCKABY Barren, fought Shiloh, Vicks, Baton, Stone, Jack, Chick, Rocky, Res, Dallas, D to Atl, Peach, Int, Jones and mounted. Wounded at Dallas & Intrenchment.
John G. HUDSON Rocky Hill, Barren; elected 1st Lt. 19 Nov 1861; elected Captain 10 Jan 1862; fought at Hutcherson's and Shiloh; slightly wounded at Shiloh; resigned 10 May 1862.
B.F. JACKSON Barren, teamster.
David JONES Barren, died at Burnsville, MS of disease 1 Apr 1862.
E.S. JONES Barren, cpl Feb 1863; fought Shiloh, Vicks, Baton, Stone, Jackson, Chick, Rocky, Res, Dallas where he was mortally wounded 28 May 1864 and died the next day.
W.B. KIDD Died of disease Bowling Green 12 Dec 1861.
Elijah KINCHLOE Barren, wounded at Shiloh; fought Vicks, Baton, Stone, Jackson, Chick, Rocky, Res, Dallas, D to Atl, Peach, Int, wounded at the latter & disabled for service.
Aaron KINSLOW Barren; died of disease at Bowling Green, 1861.
Asa LEWIS Barren Co; appointed 4th Cpl. 19 Nov 1861; fought Shiloh, displayed more than ordinary gallantry here; also at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge. He was killed at Stone River 26 Dec 1862.
J. Beverly LEWIS 1st Sgt 10 May 1862; fought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone (severely wounded 2 Jan 1863 in left hand & right leg, disabled for active service). Fell into hands of enemy, was ex- changed and served for remainder of war. Medal of honor awarded for gallant & meritorious conduct at Stone River. Drowned accidently several yrs after the war.
S.H. LEWIS Fought Shiloh, Vicksburg & stone. Killed at latter Jan 2, 1863.
W.J. LYON Died of disease at Decatur, AL 18 Mar 1862.
Geo. MARTIN Barren, fought Shiloh & Vicks; wounded Shiloh.
Isaac H. MARTIN Fought Shiloh, Stone River; disabled by disease for further service during the war.
Wm. MARTIN Barren Co. Appointed 3rd Cpl. 19 Nov 1861; fought Shiloh, died of dissease June, 1862.
Wm. S. MARTIN Appt Cpl 3 Nov 1862, fought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone, Jack, Chickamauga, Rocky Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment ,Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro, mounted engagements.
M.S. MATTHEWS Barren; fought Chick, Rocky, Res, Dallas, D to Atl, Peach, Int, Utoy, Jonesboro, mounted. Wounded at Chick.
Thomas J. MATTHEWS Rocky Hill, Barren; elected 2nd Lt. 19 Nov 1861; fought Shiloh; resigned 10 July 1862.
J.M. MEDLEY Barren, fought with Grave's light artillery at Donelson, captured there, rejoined Company D Oct 1862, fought Stone River & Jackson.
Berry MITCHELL Barren Co, appointed 2nd Cpl. 19 Nov 1861, fought Shiloh.
J.N. McKENDREE Glasgow; fought Shiloh, Vicks, Baton, Stone, Rocky, Res, Dallas, wounded at latter, served remainder of war with the medical purveyor of department.
Pry MURPHY Barren; fought Shiloh, Vicks & Baton.
Duff W. NEAL Barren, fought Shiloh, Vicks, Baton; dangerously wounded at latter, disabled for further service. Discharged Oct 7, 1862.
E.M. NORVELL Barren, fought Shiloh, Vicks & Baton. Died of disease at Montgomery, AL 1862.
James O. NORVELL Barren, fought Shiloh; died of disease at Columbus, MS 1862.
F.D. NUCKOLS Killed in battle at Baton Rouge 5 Aug 1862.
E.L. OWEN Fought Shiloh, Stone , Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Jonesboro, mounted engagements.
J.M. OWEN Fought Shiloh, discharged by disability by disase Nov 1862.
R. Ach OWEN Boy soldier. Fought Shiloh (wounded), 7 Apr 1862; Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Ridge, Resaaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree & Intrenchment. Wounded latter, recovered & took part in mounted engagements. Awarded medal of honor for gallant & meritorious conduct at Chickamauga.
Wm. Henry OWEN Appt Col 3 Nov 1862; fought Stone Ridge, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atl, Peachtree, Intrenchment, Utoy, Jonesboro, mounted. Carried regimental colors at Intrenchment, Utoy and Jonesboro.
D.F. PACE Discharged. by disability by disease 18 Jan 1862.
Thomas G. PAGE Barren Co, elected 2nd Lt. 19 Nov 1861; elected 1st Lt. 10 Jan 1862; elected Captain 10 May 1862; fought at Hutcherson's, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta; Peachtree, Intrenchment, Utoy Creeks, both days at Jonesboro and in mounted engagements. Wounded at Stone River 2 Jan 1862.
R.F. PARKER Barren. Fought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River; wounded at the later; Jackson, Chickamauga, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment, Utoy, Jonesboro, mounted.
Geo. PEDEN Barren, fought Shiloh.
John C. PEDEN Barren, fought Shiloh.
P.T. POYNTER Fought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River - wounded latter, permanently disabled. During campaign of 1864 was in light fatigue duty.
J.B. PULLIAM Appt 3rd Sgt Jan 1864; Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment, Utoy, killed in battle at Jonesboro 31 Aug 1864.
Joseph RAY Barren; appt Cpl 1 Mar 1864; fought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment, Utoy Creek, both days Jonesboro. After the command was mounted served as a scout until Dec 1864 when he re-entered the ranks.
Robert N. SANDERS Barren, fought Shiloh, died od disease at Jackson, MS 1 Oct 1862.
James SCOTT Barren Co, 1st Sgt 19 Nov 1861; 2nd Lt 10 May 1862; first siege of Vicksburg, resigned 18 Oct 1862.
K.C. SELF Fought Baton Rouge, Stone River - wounded & perm. disabled at latter, died of disease at LaGrange, GA 16 June 1864.
W.J. SELF Barren; fought Baton, Jackson, Chick, Rocky, Resaca, Dallas, D to Atl, Peach, Intrench - wounded and captured at the latter.
Wm. A. SETTLE Barren County, was one of the regimental musi-cians, but was on almost every field, sometimes in the ranks, but generally engaged in carrying off the wounded.
W.H. SINK Barren, transferred from Co E 1 May 1862; Baton Rouge.
Isaac Wes SMITH Fought Baton Rouge & Stone River; wounded latter & perm. disabled for duty in the ranks; served light fatigue during the campaign from Dalton & with dismounted detachment during cavalry operations. Died Barren Co 28 Oct 1894.
James A. SMITH 2nd Sgt on 10 Mar 1863; Baton Rouge, Chickamauga, Rocky Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment, Utoy, Jonesboro - badly wounded in the face & perm disabled in the right wrist 31 Aug 1864.
W.B. SMITH Transferred from Co D 25 Feb 1862, appt color-sergeant 7 June 1862, fought Shiloh & Baton.
Wm. M. STEENBERGEN Barren County, was shot through the body at Shiloh and left for dead; lay in temporary hospital on the field for ten days before the Federals sent him by boat to Evansville, Ind. Was there three months and surgeons regarded him as hopeless, but he recovered sufficiently to be sent to Camp Morton. Was exchanged with the men of the Second Kentucky in September, 1862, and reported to his regiment, but was unable for field service and was assigned to hospital duty, serving in this way for eight months. Returned to his company in May, 1863, and took part in the engagements that followed, including Dallas, where he was again wounded. Rejoined the company, however, and went into the fight of Sept. 1, 1864, though unable to use his arms in a way to load a gun, but threw over the wall a shell that had fallen near him in the rifle-pit, and fired as fast as Lieutenants Terry and Holman could load for him. Was captured with the rest and became a prisoner again for twelve days. Served to the close, and since then has been an upright and much respected citizen of his native county.
Wm. A. TERRY Barren County, was appointed third sergeant of Co. F, November, 1861, and fought with that company at Shiloh; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862, and was appointed a sergeant of that company; fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge; was elected second lieutenant, Oct. 24, 1862; fought at Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, and both days at Jonesboro'. He took part in the mounted engagements until March, 1865, when he was ordered into Kentucky on recruiting service, and, having been captured, was under guard at Glasgow when the war closed. He has long been a prominent citizen of Bentonville, Ark.
Elliott W. THOMPSON Barren County, fought with Co. F at Shiloh; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862; fought at Vicksburg; was on the field at Stone River, in charge of ord-nance wagon, having been accidentally crippled just before the battle; fought at Jackson and Chickamauga; was on detail ser-vice during the campaign of 1864; conducted the medical stores twice across the line of fire, in rear of the troops, during the bat-tle at Jonesboro', Aug.31, 1864, and was in the mounted engage-ments. Has long been a prominent citizen of Livingston County, Missouri.
Robert TINNELL Barren, almost constantly disabled for service by disease, died Sept, 1864.
John G. TISDALE Barren County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F, where he was severely wounded in the arm; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862, and fought at Baton Rouge; died of disease at Manchester, Tenn., 1863.
James P. TOLLE Barren, Chief Musician 18 Feb 1862; retained that position throughout the war; fought Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment Creeks, wounded at latter 22 July 1864. After recovery in detail service, some mounted engagements in SC.
John S. TOLLE Barren County, fought at Shiloh with Co. F; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862, and fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River; Jackson, Chickamauga,, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro', and in the mounted engagements.
A.W. TRACY Barren County, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, and Stone River; was killed at the latter place, Jan. 2, 1863.
Hnese G. TRACY Barren; trans from Co E 1 May 1862. Fought Stone, severely wounded & captured, had leg amputated 7 Jan 1863; died next day at Nat Millers on the Nashville & Murfreesboro pike.
Jesse WHELOCK Barren, fought Shiloh, Vicksburg & Baton Rouge.
A. WILKINSON Barren, fought Shiloh, died of disease Montgomery, AL 1862.
James T. WILSON Barren County, fought with Co. F at Shiloh, where he was wounded on Monday; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862; fought at Vicksburg and Baton Rouge; was dis-charged, November, 1862, being under age. Died at home soon after the war.
Thomas WILSON Barren County, was appointed a sergeant of Co. F, Nov.19, 1861, and fought with that company at Shiloh; was transferred to Co. E, April 26, 1862, and was appointed ser-geant; fought at Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dal-las to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks: both days at Jonesboro', and in the mounted engagements. He was but once slightly wounded during the whole war, though nearly seven feet high, and an excellent mark. Died almost sud-denly at Hardyville, Sept. 13, 1878.
James B. WINN Glasgow, fought Shiloh, wounded & captured there 7 Apr 1862; exchanged, fought Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dalals, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment, Utoy Creeks, both days at Jonesboro, captured at latter, not exchanged in time to finish war.
M.D.L. WINN Barren Co. Appointed 2nd Sgt. 19 Nov 1861; 1st Sgt. 10 May 1862; fought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment Creeks. Badly wounded at the latter, disabled for further service during the war.
Smith E. WINN Glasgow, on field at Shiloh and under fire, carried orders between Gen Hardee and his medical director, appt 2nd Sgt Sept 1862, fought Vicksburg, Stone River, Jackson, Chickamauga, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment, Utoy Creeks, Jonesboro - wounded there 31 Aug 1864. After command was mounted was a scout until 17 Dec 1864 when he rejoined his company.
E.M. WOODSON Barren Co, fought Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Resaca, Dallas, Dallas to Atlanta, Peachtree, Intrenchment & Utoy Creeks, both days at Jonesboro and in mounted engagements.
George W. YOUNG Barren, appointed 4th Sgt. 19 Nov 1861, fought Shiloh.

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