Barren County KY Deeds


Contributed by Che'ryl Bell

Barren County, Kentucky
Isaac Greer to Isaac Moore
13 March 1829

This indenture made and entered into this 16th day of March 1829 Between Isaac Greer of Barren County and State of Kentucky of the one part and Isaac Moore of the same State and County aforesaid of the other part (one part) that the same Isaac Greer for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Eight dollars and fifty cents to have in hand paid, the Receipt whereof has and hereby acknowledges, has given, granted, bargained and sold and by those presents doth give grant bargain sell Assign and convey with the said Isaac Moore one certain Tract or parcel of Land (?) lying and being in the County of Barren and bounded as follows (To Wit, Beginning at a black Oak (?) to Isaac Moore & moving thence N 17 E 112 poles to a stake said Moores corner Thence S 87 E 40 poles to Creek. Thence S 17 W 110 poles to a stake thence West 11 poles to the Beginning containing Twenty six Acres. To Have and To Hold said land and premises. With its appurtenances to the (?) proper use to (?) it and behoove of those this sale Isaac Moore his Heirs Ye forever and the said Isaac Greer for himself and his Heirs do further covenant and are bound with said Moore That his soils, Warrant and forever defend the right and bill of therefore said land and promises from himself and his Heirs, and from all and any person or persons Whatsoever claiming or to claim the same. For testimony whereof he has hereunto set his hand and caused his seal to be affixed. This day and year first herein written.
Signed sealed and Acknowledeged

In presence of
Barren County To wit
Isaac Greer [Seal]


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