Barren County KY Deeds

Cox to McCoy

Contributed by Lois Card

Deed Bk 45 pg6 1902 82A - 2trs - Barren Co.

1902 to: McCoy Geo C, John R from: John H. Cox et all

This deed made between John H. Cox and his wife, Liddie A. Cox of the first part and John R. McCoy and George C. McCoy of the second part, Witnesseth: that the said parties of the first part in consideration of the sum Three Hundred dollars cash in hand payed and two promisory notes of hand bearing the date with this deed of two hundred and eighty five dollars each note no1 to become due in one year from date note No 2 to become due in 2 years from date, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby bargain sell and convey to the parties of the second part the following described seal estate laying and being in Barren County, Ken tucky, and bounded as follows viz: Begining at a stone Joe Bunch's corner thence S. 81 W. 196 1/4 poles to a stone, thence S. 2 1/2 E. 51 poles to a stone -----? --------------------------------------? side of branch, thence S. 75 E. 46 poles to a stone, thence S. 7 poles to a stone N. 80 E. 56 poles to a stone, thence N. 13 E. 100 poles to the begining, containing 77 1/2 acres. Also another tract: Beginning in Cox's line a walnut tree N. 26 E. 36 p. to a stake thence N. 15 W. 31 poles to a stone in the Randolph road, thence up the road 5 poles to A. R. ---- corner thence with his line 60 poles to his east corner, themce S. 81 W. 26 poles to the begining. containing 4 1/2 acres, more or less. A lien is retained to secure payment on unpaid purchase money. To have and to hold the same, with all the appurtuances thereon to the second parties heirs and assigns forever with covanant of "General Warranty" And the said parties of the first part do hereby --- all interest they have in the above described property, by way of homestead, homestead exemption, ---- and dower respectively.

Witness my hand this day of Jan 1st 1902 John S. Cox her Liddia A. X Cox mark

State of Kentucky Barren County. Sct.

I N. S. Terry, clerk of the Barren County Court certify that the forgoing deed to J. R. McCoy was on the 1st day of January 1902 acknowledged by John S. Cox and his wife Lydia A. Cox to be thier act and deed before J. L. Wright my acting deputy clerk forever as of years from his endorsement ---------- as follows" "Ack'd by J. Cox and Liddia A. Cox, his wife, to be their act and deed seperate and apart, & filed Janu. 1, 1902 N. S. Terry clk By J. L. Wright DC." ---------- this day filed in my office for record, and the same and this certificate has been recorded in my said office. Witness my hand this 1st day of January 1902 N. S. Terry CBCC.



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